Craft learners - group 2

A second group of learners were added whilst the researchers were working directly with Group 1 in response to demand from other members of the British Blades internet forum. They were geographically diverse and worked entirely using the online resource and again provided useful feedback to help develop the materials.

Of the initial group of five, again three produced completed knives; one produced sketches but did not progress them and another had to drop out for personal reasons.

All names used are pdeudonyms.


David is in his mid 50s and an amateur knife maker having previously made several fixed blade knives. His only previous experience with folding knives was taking apart a Swiss Army knife and remaking it using Damascus steel he had forged himself.

During the project he made a pair of knives, one as a gift for his brother and the other he has kept for himself.

Finished knives:

Cardboard prototype and development:

Initial inspiration and sketch:


Jack is in his early 50s and an amateur maker, having initially bought knife blades and made handles for them, then progressed to making complete fixed blade knives.

He made very impressive progress during the project, making three knives to one design, each showing a distinct improvement on the next, then two more knives to a new design, again each showing definite progress. He also purchased several sets of old springs and blades and made them up into knives as part of his learning process. He now has ambitions to sell some of the knives he makes to pay for his hobby.

Finished knives made during the project ... first design:

Second design:

Finished knives made during the project:


Initial prototype in acrylic:

Folding knives made from bought in springs and blades: