Craft learners - group 1

This initial group of learners were recruited from the British Blades internet forum, selected because they were in the vicinity of Sheffield. They had access to a preliminary version of the resource which was developed using their feedback during visits to their workshops and during subsequent online discussion.

They undertook some initial sketching on their own then were visited individually by the researchers and helped to make a prototype knife from acrylic. They then completed their knives on their own with online support.

Of the initial group of five, three produced completed knives; one dropped out for personal reasons after completing the initial sketching phase and another did not continue after making a prototype knife.

All names used are pseudonyms.


Joe is in his late 30s and is a part time semi-professional knife maker, spending the rest of his time as main carer for his children. He has been making and selling small numbers of fixed blade knives for several years having undertaken undergraduate degree in Metalwork & Jewellery. He had previously attempted to make folding knives but had been unable to make the mechanism work successfully.

He made one knife during the project and was pleased with both the mechanism and how the knife looked. However, he felt the time spent making such knives would make them uneconomic for his customers and has returned to making fixed blade knives.

Completed knife:

Prototype knife made with researchers:

Initial inspiration and sketch:


Simon is in his early 20s and at college training to be a car mechanic. He is a small scale amateur maker, having made just a few fixed blade knives before for his own use and seems to have no desire to make knives to sell.

He made the most substantial contribution to the project through being very active online; asking questions, making comments, posting pictures and encouraging others. He made two knives to the same design, then another to a different design and talks enthusiastically about making more.

Third knife to a new pattern:

Second knife to same pattern as first:

First knife:

Setbacks and development:

Cardboard prototype and acrylic prototype made with researchers:

Inspiration and sketch:


Paul is in his late 50s and is an early retiree. He is a very practical type of person, having built two kit cars and restored several classic motorbikes. He is very much an amateur maker, having only made a few very simple fixed blade knives before.

The initial knife he made during the first part of the project was never properly completed as he could not get the temper of the the spring right. However, the next knife he made during the final phase of the project worked successfully. Since then he has taken apart and successfully repaired an old knife that was broken.

Completed knife to a second design:

Development of first knife as far as it progressed:

Acrylic prototype made with researchers:

Initial inspiration and sketch: